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Religion & Worldviews

Religion & Worldviews

At Talbot Primary School, Religious Education is called Religion and Worldviews.  Our curriculum takes into account the fact that not all children will follow a religion but that everyone has their own unique view of the world based on their own experiences - their 'worldview'. We treat all the worldviews studied as equally valid and valuable; hence, we refer to both ‘religious’ and ‘non-religious’ standpoints as ‘worldviews’ so as not to imply preference or differentiate unfairly.

It is our intent that, through Religious Education children can explore their own values and develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.  Developing an understanding of their own and others’ worldviews underpins the growth of empathy and respect. Appreciating that we all see the world through the lens that has been formed by our experiences, upbringing and culture and that this influences our decision-making and our own way of seeing the world is so valuable.

Our belief is that through well considered R & W lessons, children’s critical thinking skills can be developed, their motivation to learn increased, and their knowledge and understanding of, and empathy with people and their worldviews (religious or otherwise) will be enhanced. Our approach takes very seriously the philosophy that children are free to make their own choices and decisions concerning their own view of the world and their beliefs and morals. R & W does not try to persuade, but rather to inform and develop the skills with which evaluation can take place.

We follow the locally agreed syllabus for Religion and Worldviews. Children will learn about two Abrahamic traditions: Christianity and Islam; two Dharmic traditions: Buddhism and Sikhi and the worldview of Humanism. Our pupils are encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs and what they can learn from others.  Lessons have a strong emphasis on learning about and from religion with opportunities built in for children to have time to reflect. Each unit of learning has a central enquiry question for the children to consider.

Our intent is to ensure that we develop the children’s understanding of the local community as well as the heritage of this country.  We feel it’s important that our children understand why we celebrate Easter, Christmas and other key festivals.  We have close connections with the local Church of England Church, St Marks, and will visit at Easter as well as performing our Christmas Carol Concert there.   

At Talbot, we are increasingly welcoming children to our school from a diverse number of cultures and religions, so we therefore feel it is vital that children across the school are introduced to and immersed in teaching and learning experiences that show a true representation of our community today and the wider world.  We embrace and celebrate difference. Overall, our intent through our Religion and Worldviews teaching is that children can learn about their own morals, beliefs and values and can become responsible, respectful and caring members of society as they progress through life.

Parents have a right of withdrawal from all of RE or part of RE.

Below you will find the document which outlines the whole school overview for Religion & Worldviews.