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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

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Welcome to Year 3,

On this page you will be able to find out more about what we are doing this term as well as access links to support with homework, home learning and the wider curriculum. 

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Teachers

Ms Voden

Year 3 Lead

3CV Teacher

Mr Garner

3SG Teacher


Miss Katirai

3FK Teacher

Year 3 Teaching Assistants

Mrs Allard
Teaching Assistant (HLTA)

Miss Hart
Teaching Assistant

What are we learning about this term?


Term 6 (Summer 2) 2024


In Maths this term we will begin by looking at an important life skill – time. Pupils will learn to tell the time to the minute whilst also learning to read time digitally. They will also learn about am & pm and solve problems to do with duration. This is a topic that can be quite challenging and pupils always benefit from this being reinforced at home. Please ask them what the time is when you see a clock and if they own a watch (that doesn’t have a camera and isn’t too expensive), we encourage them to wear it to school.

Following the completion of Time we will move on to units focusing on Shape and then Statistics.

With our Times Tables we will continue to review the 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s and 8s.


Our literary theme this term is ‘Confidence and caution’. Our unit will begin by looking at two books by Neil Gaiman, Fortunately, the Milk… and The Day I swapped My Dad For Two Goldfish. Later in the term we will read The Legend of Sally Jones by Jakob Wegeliusa and A Necklace of Raindrops and Other Stories by Joan Aiken and Jan PieÅ„kowski.

Through these tests, pupils will write diary entries, explore the conventions of written dialogue and create their own versions of the texts.


Our History topic this term is Nelson Mandela and Apartheid with our Key Question being Why was Nelson Mandela so important in South Africa? Through this topic they learn about the history of South Africa and the context of the country in the 20th Century. They learn about the life of Mandela and how he came to play a key role in overcoming discrimination in South Africa.


Our key question in Science this term isWhat do we need to eat and how do we move? Through this topic children will learn about our skeleton and its purposes. They will also learn how muscles work in pairs and how we can live a healthy life through a balanced diet and regular exercise.


This term we will begin exploring textiles with a view to creating a purse which has a design influenced by African patterns and designs.

Jigsaw (PSHE)

The focus of our PSHE lessons will be Relationships and Changes


Year 3 PE days for 6 will be Wednesday (Swimming), Thursday and Friday.

All pupils are to wear PE kit to school on these days until the end of the school year unless otherwise notified.

Pupils will continue to have their regular PE sessions with Mr Bartram on a Thursday but the Summer Term will see the reintroduction of swimming on Wednesday.

Pupils are only to bring swimming kit if their class is scheduled to swim (see Timetable attached).

Swim kit should include:

  • Swimming costume (no bikinis)
  • Towel
  • Swim Cap
  • A plastic bag for wet costumes

Pupils are welcome to bring goggles but these are not mandatory.

Swim caps are available through the MCAS app and can be collected from the school office.

Our Swimming timetable is below:

Swimming Timetable























Homework expectations are:

Maths: Pupils are expected to complete a minimum of 15 games on TTRockstars each week. These are set each Friday morning and should be completed by the following Friday morning.

Reading: We do not use Reading Records in Year 3 but pupils are expected to read at home with a parent a minimum of 3 times a week. We use Accelerated Reader to track their reading progress, you can learn more about this scheme here.

Spelling: Please see our Home Spelling Strategies page for ideas regarding this.

Useful Resources