Spelling Strategies
Please find below a selection of different strategies you can use to support your child with learning their spellings at home.
- Spelling Shed: Your child will have a login to access this website. Each week their spellings are uploaded and pupils can log on and play games to help support their learning. If you are unsure of your child's login, please contact your child's class teacher via Class Dojo.
- Silly Story: Write a sentence or short paragraph that contains every single one of your words.
- Silly Sentence: Use each word in a silly sentence. The sillier the sentence, the more memorable. Underline the spelling in each sentence.
- Spelling Picture: Write each word and incorporate it into a silly picture. For example, if one of the words is ‘thumb’ draw a hand with the word itself instead of the thumb.
- Dictionary: Make a mini-dictionary. Sort the words into alphabetical order then write them out with a definition next to each one. For a challenge, see if you can also say whether each word is a noun, verb, adjective etc.
- Graffiti Wall: Complete a Graffiti Wall by writing out your spellings in different fonts. RESOURCE AT BOTTOM OF PAGE
- Vanishing Spellings: Paint your words onto paper, write them in water with a big brush onto the outside wall of the house, or write them on the ground with coloured chalks.
- Anagrams: Ask your helper to write your words as anagrams (mixing up the letters) Can you work out which one is which?
- Typing: Write out the words on the computer. Use different fonts and different colours for the different letters.
- Words Within Words: Be a detective and see how many smaller words you can find in your spelling. You could colour these in a different colour.
- Syllables: Break the word down into its syllables. Say or clap each syllable in the word as they write the word down.
- Hangman: Play hangman with a partner, using your words.
- Colourful Spelling: Write out the letters in the words with different coloured felt-tips or pencil crayons.
- Headlines: Cut letters out of newspapers or magazines and stick them onto paper to make the words in your list.
- Playdough Spelling: Give your child a flat piece of playdough and a sharp pencil. Ask them to carefully write the word in the playdough. Smooth it over and write a different word.
- Bubble Letters: Ask your child to write their spelling words in bubble letters, using different colours. They could also use squiggly, zigzag or dotty letters.
- Wordsearch: Make a wordsearch with your words and list them underneath. RESOURCE AT BOTTOM OF PAGE
- Charades: Play charades with the words. When each one is guessed, spell it.
- Spelling Scribble: Create a large scribble on a piece of paper. Next, fill in the spaces using your spellings and a brightly coloured pen or pencil.
- Pairs: Create a double set of the words your child is finding tricky. Pick up two cards at a time until they find a pair. Can they verbally spell it out to you?
- Flip, Read, Letters and Write: Your child can learn their spellings in 4 quick steps. Have the child flip over a card, read it, spell out the letters and then write it down.
- Trace, Copy, Recall: Fold a piece of paper into three columns and label them trace, copy and recall. Write the word in the first column and have your child trace it. Next, get them to copy the word in the next column by looking back at the letters. Finally, get them to fold and hide the first two columns and practise writing the word in the final column.
- Pyramid Writing: Ask your child to pyramid write 10 of their spelling words. When they are finished, draw a pyramid around their word.
- Pocket Cards: Make small cards to keep in your pocket or bag and when you are walking to school, making breakfast or sitting in the park ask the children to spell the words to you.
- Codebreaker: Make up a code for your words e.g. A=1, B=2 and so on. See if someone else can crack your code.
- Over-pronunciation: For example, with a word like ‘Wednesday’ encourage children to say ‘Wed-nes-day’ as they write. There are lots of words which feature sounds that aren’t always pronounced clearly (such as words ending in -ed), so asking children to over-pronounce these when spelling can also be useful (for example, teaching children to say ‘hopped’ or ‘skipped’ instead of ‘jumpt’ can be a huge help).
- Boxed In: Drawing boxes around the word can help you remember the shape of the word.
- Voice record: Using a recording device have your child spell out the word and get them to listen back.
- Puzzlemaker: Go onto this website and you’re your child or you enter the weekly spellings and then have fun searching for them in the puzzle. http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/WordSearchSetupForm.asp
- Spelling City: Head over to the website and have your child type in the spelling words by playing a range of fun games. http://www.spellingcity.com
- Hidden Spellings: Write the words on your child’s spelling list, hidden in a series of letters. Now that they are hidden, ask your child to find them. For example:
sfhplayknc – play
qrubitpdh – bit
nvzbikejfa – bike