Term 4 (Spring 2)
This term, we will be looking at FDP (fractions, decimals and percentages). The children will consolidate their knowledge from previous years, whilst looking at how to convert with the most efficient method. Alongside this, we will also begin to look at geometry.
In our reading lessons this term, we will continue to provide the children with plenty of SATS-style reading comprehension. With these lessons, we will look at how to break down longer texts into smaller parts, how to answer questions effectively and how best to approach those 2 and 3 mark questions.
In writing, we are reading the fabulous 'Holes' book. The book, written by Louis Sachar, focuses on a young boy who is sent to a juvenile detention camp for a crime he did not commit! It's always been a crowd favourite in Year 6. From the reading of the book, we will write a persuasive speech as our main piece of work.
For our history lessons this term, we will be looking at India. The key question for this term is: How and why did India gain its independence? During the unit, we will look at key individuals involved in India's recent history, such as Gandhi.
In science, we will continue learning about electricity. Children will continue to investigate with circuitry before drawing accurate circuit diagrams. Following on from electricity, the children will progress on to learning about classification. Their tasks during the lessons will be to ensure they're able to classify animals and plants according to different characteristics.
PSHE lesson will look at media literacy and digital resilience. Children will look at the benefits of safe internet usage, how people choose to communicate via social media, what is acceptable to share online and how images may be altered online.